Extensión TPS para Salvadoreños 2025El pasado 17 de Enero del 2025, el Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS) de los Estados Unidos publicó de manera oficial en el registro federal el anuncio de una nueva extensión de la designación de TPS para El Salvador. Esta extensión fue otorgada por un periodo de 18 meses y entrará en vigencia el día 10 de Marzo del 2025 y terminará el día 9 de Septiembre del 2026.
Si usted es Salvadoreño(a) y actualmente se encuentra amparado(a) bajo el Programa de Estatus de Protección Temporal TPS, necesita re-inscribirse nuevamente al programa de TPS para seguir beneficiándose de este alivio migratorio. Usted tendrá un periodo de 60 días para re-inscribirse. El periodo de re-inscripción comenzó el pasado 17 de enero y terminará el 18 de marzo del 2025.
Las oficinas de CARECEN San Francisco estarán ofreciendo sus servicios para ayudarle con el proceso de reinscripción de TPS.
Para agendar una cita u obtener información acerca de los documentos que necesita para procesar su aplicación, los honorarios que CARECEN SF estará cobrando y otros detalles, favor de visitar nuestra página de internet www.carecensf.org.
También le invitamos a que nos siga en nuestras redes sociales de Facebook e Instagram para mantenerse informado sobre los acontecimientos más recientes de inmigración.
Si usted es Salvadoreño(a) y actualmente se encuentra amparado(a) bajo el Programa de Estatus de Protección Temporal TPS, necesita re-inscribirse nuevamente al programa de TPS para seguir beneficiándose de este alivio migratorio. Usted tendrá un periodo de 60 días para re-inscribirse. El periodo de re-inscripción comenzó el pasado 17 de enero y terminará el 18 de marzo del 2025.
Las oficinas de CARECEN San Francisco estarán ofreciendo sus servicios para ayudarle con el proceso de reinscripción de TPS.
Para agendar una cita u obtener información acerca de los documentos que necesita para procesar su aplicación, los honorarios que CARECEN SF estará cobrando y otros detalles, favor de visitar nuestra página de internet www.carecensf.org.
También le invitamos a que nos siga en nuestras redes sociales de Facebook e Instagram para mantenerse informado sobre los acontecimientos más recientes de inmigración.

Quetzalxochitl A Young Women's Group Quetzalxochitl is a young women's social support group held at Mission High School during the school day. The goal of the social support group is to provide safe, supportive, and critical reflective spaces that facilitate the process where young women build skills and critical knowledge centered on Positive Youth Development.
Quetzalxochitl is one of 3 programs at CARECEN SF funded by the Community Health Equity and Promotion Branch of the San Francisco Department of Public Health and in partnership with the San Francisco Public Health Foundation. The group focuses on health and wellness through conversations conducted in a circle as well as through activities. It is led and moderated by Maria Tapia, a team member from CARECEN SF’s Second Chance Youth Program.
Quetzalxochitl integrates the Xinachtli Female and Joven Noble Rites of Passage curriculums, comprehensive indigenous and culturally rooted youth leadership development programs that support and guide young people through their “rites of passage” transformative process while focusing on the prevention of substance dependency, teen pregnancy, inter-relationship violence, gang/street violence, and low academic engagement/performance.
Quetzalxochitl’s services are open to 9th and 10th-grade self-identified young women at Mission High School.
Quetzalxochitl is one of 3 programs at CARECEN SF funded by the Community Health Equity and Promotion Branch of the San Francisco Department of Public Health and in partnership with the San Francisco Public Health Foundation. The group focuses on health and wellness through conversations conducted in a circle as well as through activities. It is led and moderated by Maria Tapia, a team member from CARECEN SF’s Second Chance Youth Program.
Quetzalxochitl integrates the Xinachtli Female and Joven Noble Rites of Passage curriculums, comprehensive indigenous and culturally rooted youth leadership development programs that support and guide young people through their “rites of passage” transformative process while focusing on the prevention of substance dependency, teen pregnancy, inter-relationship violence, gang/street violence, and low academic engagement/performance.
Quetzalxochitl’s services are open to 9th and 10th-grade self-identified young women at Mission High School.

A Budget to Help the People in San FranciscoWe continue to advocate and demand funding be reinstated for vital programs that provide a lifeline for many in San Francisco. CARECEN SF’s Second Chance Youth Program, Family Wellness Program as well as our Health Promotion Program have all been greatly impacted by these budget cuts. We urge the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to reinstate funding for these programs that provide vital services to our community. We are determined to protect these critical services and will continue to do our part to ensure no community person is left behind as San Francisco moves towards a post pandemic recovery. We urge all community members to show up at SF City Hall on Tuesday, 6/25 and Wednesday, 6/26 and provide public comment in support of the City of San Francisco's funding of CARECEN SF’s programs as well as many critical community programs that affect our communities throughout the city. Click here or on the image above to watch our video from last week’s advocacy actions at SF City Hall. We are stronger in community!

People's Budget Rally & Hearing 05/08/2024This is a critical time for SF's community programs, the heart of our city's strength!
We are currently advocating to restore the funding to our Second Chance Youth Program and Family Wellness Program. These programs provide vital resources, a lifeline for those facing challenges, and a welcoming space for the people who migrate, they are a beacon of hope for a brighter future.
Thank you to everyone who joined us at the People’s Budget Rally and Hearing at SF City Hall today in support of CARECEN SF and our community partners! Standing with us means standing with the heart of SF.
El pueblo unido jamás será vencido.
We are currently advocating to restore the funding to our Second Chance Youth Program and Family Wellness Program. These programs provide vital resources, a lifeline for those facing challenges, and a welcoming space for the people who migrate, they are a beacon of hope for a brighter future.
Thank you to everyone who joined us at the People’s Budget Rally and Hearing at SF City Hall today in support of CARECEN SF and our community partners! Standing with us means standing with the heart of SF.
El pueblo unido jamás será vencido.

Second Chance Youth Program - Summer Outings 2023A Great Summer Outing Season for Our Youth!
CARECEN SF’s Second Chance Youth Program completed its Summer Outings for 2023 with successful, fun-filled trips to theme parks, lakes and recreational areas. The Outings gave the participating young folks an opportunity to build new relationships, visit places they haven’t been to, participate in positive activities and grow in their self-confidence, which they will need on their paths as Jovenes Nobles or Noble Youth. We couldn’t be more proud of our Program’s staff for creating safe, fun and engaging spaces for the youth. We are excited with tears to see these young people blossom.
We invite you to enjoy the special moments captured in this video created by our very own Victorino Cartagena, Case Manager for the Second Chance Youth Program & Tattoo Removal Clinic.
CARECEN SF’s Second Chance Youth Program completed its Summer Outings for 2023 with successful, fun-filled trips to theme parks, lakes and recreational areas. The Outings gave the participating young folks an opportunity to build new relationships, visit places they haven’t been to, participate in positive activities and grow in their self-confidence, which they will need on their paths as Jovenes Nobles or Noble Youth. We couldn’t be more proud of our Program’s staff for creating safe, fun and engaging spaces for the youth. We are excited with tears to see these young people blossom.
We invite you to enjoy the special moments captured in this video created by our very own Victorino Cartagena, Case Manager for the Second Chance Youth Program & Tattoo Removal Clinic.

Virtual Town Hall with U.S. Senator for California Alex PadillaThis month we held a Virtual Town Hall with the U.S. Senator for California Alex Padilla where we addressed important issues that affect the Latinx community. We seek to continue fighting for positive change in the lives of Latinx individuals along with migrants that live in this country.
Topics that were addressed include:
• COVID-19 Response & Recovery
• Immigration
• Education & Healthcare
• Economic Recovery
To learn more about Senator Padilla’s priorities for California, check out our Virtual Town Hall Video and witness our determined community members hold Senator Padilla accountable on his promises towards impacting the lives of migrants and the Latinx community.
Topics that were addressed include:
• COVID-19 Response & Recovery
• Immigration
• Education & Healthcare
• Economic Recovery
To learn more about Senator Padilla’s priorities for California, check out our Virtual Town Hall Video and witness our determined community members hold Senator Padilla accountable on his promises towards impacting the lives of migrants and the Latinx community.

A Second Chance at a Brighter Future: Alessandro’s StoryOur Second Chance Youth Program’s Case Manager, Victorino Cartagena, met Alessandro at a very stressful and difficult time in his life. At a very young age, Alessandro found himself in Juvenile Hall and in great need of support. Fortunately, Victorino was able to connect with him early during his time of need. Through many years of support but also doing his part, Alessandro conquered overwhelming obstacles. It took incredible focus, hard work and mental endurance on Alessandro’s part to get to where he is at now. He has long been out of Juvenile Hall but had to endure probation and the many limitations on his freedom that were placed upon him. Because of the complications of his case, he was separated from his family, which affected him greatly. It was yet another great obstacle to overcome. Involved in our Second Chance Youth Program, which kept him involved in healing activities and surrounded by a positive group of peers and mentors, Alessandro stayed on track and has recently not only graduated high school but has been accepted to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. It gives us great pride to see Alessandro begin a new chapter in his life, revealing the promising young Joven Noble (Noble Youth) that he has always been.
We invite you to watch Alessandro’s story through this video created by his mentor and case manager, Victorino Cartagena.
We invite you to watch Alessandro’s story through this video created by his mentor and case manager, Victorino Cartagena.

TPS Extension to October 4, 2021On Wednesday, December 9, 2020, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published in the Federal Registry of the United States Government a notice (FRN) that automatically extends the validity of documents related to TPS, this includes documents of Employment authorization (work permits, forms I-94 and I-797) for beneficiaries under the Temporary Protection Status program from El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Sudan, Nepal and Honduras until October 4, 2021.

EXTENSIÓN AUTOMÁTICA DEL TPS - SEPTIEMBRE 10, 2021El pasado 10 de Septiembre el Departamento de Seguridad Interna público de manera oficial en el Registro Federal un anuncio por el que da ha conocer que extiende de manera automática hasta el dia 31 de Diciembre del 2022 la validez de los permisos de trabajo y otros documentos relacionados con el Program de Protección Temporal (TPS) para personas que están amparadas bajo este programa de los países de El Salvador, Haití, Nicaragua, Sudán, Honduras y Nepal.

Extensión Automática del TPS asta el 4 de octubre del 2021El miércoles 9 de diciembre del 2020, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) publicó en el Registro Federal del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos un aviso (FRN) que extiende automáticamente la validez de los documentos relacionados con el Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS), esto incluye los documentos de autorización de empleo (permisos de trabajo, formas I-94 y I-797) para beneficiarios bajo el programa TPS de El Salvador, Haití, Nicaragua, Sudán, Nepal y Honduras hasta el 4 de octubre del 2021.

Video Mensaje Acerca de TPS "Advance Parole"El 26 de agosto de este año, el Servicio de Inmigración y Ciudadanía (USCIS) emitió un memorando reinterpretando el efecto legal de un TPSiano que ingreso a los Estados Unidos con libertad condicional anticipada, o mejor conocida como “advance parole.” El nuevo memorando establece que un beneficiario del programa TPS que ingresa a los Estados Unidos con permiso anticipado no ha sido inspeccionado ni admitido por inmigración. Nosotros en CARECEN San Francisco no estamos de acuerdo con esta interpretación de la ley y tenemos la esperanza de que una demanda futura corrija este memorando erróneo.

¿Qué Pasa Con El TPS? Cambios del 4 de noviembre del 2019¿Qué pasa con el TPS? Cambios del 4 de noviembre del 2019
¿Qué significa una auto-extensión de los permisos de trabajo? ¿Cómo puede apoyar los esfuerzos de residencia permanente? Carecen San Francisco y Alianza Americas le invitan a participar en una conversación en la que discutiremos las preguntas más frecuentes sobre el programa.
• Ricardo Calderón, Paralegal Principal de Carecen San Francisco
• Vanessa Velasco, Especialista en Alcance Comunitario de CARECEN San Francisco
¿Qué significa una auto-extensión de los permisos de trabajo? ¿Cómo puede apoyar los esfuerzos de residencia permanente? Carecen San Francisco y Alianza Americas le invitan a participar en una conversación en la que discutiremos las preguntas más frecuentes sobre el programa.
• Ricardo Calderón, Paralegal Principal de Carecen San Francisco
• Vanessa Velasco, Especialista en Alcance Comunitario de CARECEN San Francisco

Promoting Stability in Central America and Securing the Future of TPS, DED and DACA BeneficiariesWashington, DC - Congressional Briefing September 9, 2019
"Promoting Stability in Central America and Securing the Future of TPS, DED and DACA Beneficiaries"
Presented by CARECEN SF, CARECEN DC, Alianza Americas
David Campos - Event Moderator, Former City Supervisor, District 9, San Francisco.
Julia Gelatt, Senior Policy Analyst, Migration Policy Institute
Daniella Burgi-Palomino, Senior Associate, Latin America Working Group
Albert Saint Jean, Organizer, Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI)
Suyapa Edith Ucles Salinas, General Program Manager, Mennonite Social Action Commission (CASM)
Arianna Velasco, U.S. Citizen Child of TPS Beneficiary Parents
"Promoting Stability in Central America and Securing the Future of TPS, DED and DACA Beneficiaries"
Presented by CARECEN SF, CARECEN DC, Alianza Americas
David Campos - Event Moderator, Former City Supervisor, District 9, San Francisco.
Julia Gelatt, Senior Policy Analyst, Migration Policy Institute
Daniella Burgi-Palomino, Senior Associate, Latin America Working Group
Albert Saint Jean, Organizer, Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI)
Suyapa Edith Ucles Salinas, General Program Manager, Mennonite Social Action Commission (CASM)
Arianna Velasco, U.S. Citizen Child of TPS Beneficiary Parents

Press Conference, Washington, DC Sept 9, 2019Washington, DC – September 9, 2019
Temporary Protected Status (TPS) beneficiaries, their families, along with Deferred Enforcement Departure (DED) and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) holders will be joined by CARECEN San Francisco, CARECEN DC, Alianza Americas, the Bay Area TPS Committee, CASA, 32BJ, East Bay Sanctuary Covenant, African Advocacy Network, the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, OXFAM, Latin America Working Group, FANM and other allies call on Congress to act now to create a path to permanent residency for all 13 countries beneficiaries of TPS, DACA and DED.
Temporary Protected Status (TPS) beneficiaries, their families, along with Deferred Enforcement Departure (DED) and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) holders will be joined by CARECEN San Francisco, CARECEN DC, Alianza Americas, the Bay Area TPS Committee, CASA, 32BJ, East Bay Sanctuary Covenant, African Advocacy Network, the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, OXFAM, Latin America Working Group, FANM and other allies call on Congress to act now to create a path to permanent residency for all 13 countries beneficiaries of TPS, DACA and DED.

XV Encuentro de la Juventud Afro Centro-Americana y de la Diaspora - 01On August 15-17, 2019, CARECEN SF joined La Organización Negra Centroamericana (ONECA), the Central American Black Organization (CABO) and Houndarun Wuritian Lamidan Meriga (HOWULAME) in celebrating the XV Encuentro de la Juventud Afro Centro-Americana y de la Diaspora /15th Annual Congress of Central American Afro-Youth and Diaspora, held at the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast (URACCAN) in Bluefields, Nicaragua.

XV Encuentro de la Juventud Afro Centro-Americana y de la Diaspora - 03On August 15-17, 2019, CARECEN SF joined La Organización Negra Centroamericana (ONECA), the Central American Black Organization (CABO) and Houndarun Wuritian Lamidan Meriga (HOWULAME) in celebrating the XV Encuentro de la Juventud Afro Centro-Americana y de la Diaspora /15th Annual Congress of Central American Afro-Youth and Diaspora, held at the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast (URACCAN) in Bluefields, Nicaragua.

Raul Rodriguez' Graduation 2019Our Legal Intern, Raul Eliezer Rodriguez-Gaytan graduated from San Francisco State University this Summer 2019. We are incredibly proud of him and our other staff members who have achieved the goal of graduating from college while they work with us at CARECEN SF. Our biggest congratulations also go out to all the graduates from 2019. Education is the best way to achieve self-determination and as immigrants, we owe to ourselves, our children, our families and our communities to continue on the educational path.

CARECEN SF Joins ACLU in Lawsuit Against MPP and Provides Legal Aid to Asylum Seekers at US BorderSan Francisco – February 14, 2019 - The American Civil Liberties Union, Southern Poverty Law
Center, and Center for Gender & Refugee Studies filed a federal lawsuit today challenging the
Trump administration’s new policy forcing asylum seekers to return to Mexico and remain
there while their cases are considered.
The forced returned policy, also known as the Migrant Protection Protocol (MPP), introduced by
the Trump Administration, will greatly hinder legal teams in their efforts to represent migrants
seeking asylum.
“This policy will greatly impinge on the core immigration legal and social services that we
currently provide our clients. We will no longer be able to provide high quality legal services to
asylum seekers because they will be out of the country,” states Laura Sanchez, Director of
Immigration Legal Services at CARECEN SF.
“The Trump administration is forcibly returning asylum seekers to danger in Mexico,” said Judy
Rabinovitz, deputy director of the ACLU’s Immigrants’ Rights Project. “Once again, the
administration is breaking the law in order to deter asylum seekers from seeking safety in the
United States.
The lawsuit was filed on behalf of 11 individual asylum seekers forcibly returned to Mexico, and
organizational plaintiffs Innovation Law Lab, CARECEN SF - Central American Resource Center of
Northern California, Centro Legal de la Raza, the University of San Francisco School of Law
Immigration and Deportation Defense Clinic, Al Otro Lado, and the Tahirih Justice Center.
“This is no longer just a war on asylum seekers, it’s a war on our system of laws,” said Melissa
Crow, Southern Poverty Law Center senior supervising attorney. “This misguided policy deprives
vulnerable individuals of humanitarian protections that have been on the books for decades and
puts their lives in jeopardy.
The lawsuit cites violations of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the Administrative Procedures
Act, as well as the United States’ duty under international human rights law not to return people
to dangerous conditions.
“This new policy severely undermines the very purpose of our asylum system, endangering rather
than safeguarding the lives of our individual plaintiffs and others fleeing persecution,” said Blaine
Bookey, co-legal director of the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies.
The case, Innovation Law Lab v. Nielsen, was filed in federal court in San Francisco.
The complaint is here: https://www.aclu.org/legal-document/i...
More information is here: https://www.aclu.org/cases/innovation...
CARECEN SF empowers and responds to the needs, rights and aspirations of Latino, immigrant,
and under-resourced families in the San Francisco Bay Area — building leadership to pursue self-determination
and justice. Rooted in its cultural strengths and inspired by the Central American
justice struggles, CARECEN SF envisions our diverse immigrant community as thriving; where
families prosper, build effective community institutions, and participate confidently in civic life.
Learn more about our history and work at www.carecensf.org.
Center, and Center for Gender & Refugee Studies filed a federal lawsuit today challenging the
Trump administration’s new policy forcing asylum seekers to return to Mexico and remain
there while their cases are considered.
The forced returned policy, also known as the Migrant Protection Protocol (MPP), introduced by
the Trump Administration, will greatly hinder legal teams in their efforts to represent migrants
seeking asylum.
“This policy will greatly impinge on the core immigration legal and social services that we
currently provide our clients. We will no longer be able to provide high quality legal services to
asylum seekers because they will be out of the country,” states Laura Sanchez, Director of
Immigration Legal Services at CARECEN SF.
“The Trump administration is forcibly returning asylum seekers to danger in Mexico,” said Judy
Rabinovitz, deputy director of the ACLU’s Immigrants’ Rights Project. “Once again, the
administration is breaking the law in order to deter asylum seekers from seeking safety in the
United States.
The lawsuit was filed on behalf of 11 individual asylum seekers forcibly returned to Mexico, and
organizational plaintiffs Innovation Law Lab, CARECEN SF - Central American Resource Center of
Northern California, Centro Legal de la Raza, the University of San Francisco School of Law
Immigration and Deportation Defense Clinic, Al Otro Lado, and the Tahirih Justice Center.
“This is no longer just a war on asylum seekers, it’s a war on our system of laws,” said Melissa
Crow, Southern Poverty Law Center senior supervising attorney. “This misguided policy deprives
vulnerable individuals of humanitarian protections that have been on the books for decades and
puts their lives in jeopardy.
The lawsuit cites violations of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the Administrative Procedures
Act, as well as the United States’ duty under international human rights law not to return people
to dangerous conditions.
“This new policy severely undermines the very purpose of our asylum system, endangering rather
than safeguarding the lives of our individual plaintiffs and others fleeing persecution,” said Blaine
Bookey, co-legal director of the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies.
The case, Innovation Law Lab v. Nielsen, was filed in federal court in San Francisco.
The complaint is here: https://www.aclu.org/legal-document/i...
More information is here: https://www.aclu.org/cases/innovation...
CARECEN SF empowers and responds to the needs, rights and aspirations of Latino, immigrant,
and under-resourced families in the San Francisco Bay Area — building leadership to pursue self-determination
and justice. Rooted in its cultural strengths and inspired by the Central American
justice struggles, CARECEN SF envisions our diverse immigrant community as thriving; where
families prosper, build effective community institutions, and participate confidently in civic life.
Learn more about our history and work at www.carecensf.org.

#FamiliesAreSacred #LasFamiliasSonSagradasWe call to an end to family separation at the border due to “Zero Tolerance.” Join us on June 17 (Father’s Day) as we launch #FamiliesAreSacred #LasFamiliasSonSagradas, a video and photo campaign where we invite families to: 1) Post a video or photo of their family on social media. 2) Express how much you love your family. 3) Express how being separated from them would affect you and them. 4) Invite their friends (by tagging them) to also post a photo or video. See instructions and examples.

#LasFamiliasSonSagradas #FamiliesAreSacredLlamamos a poner fin a la separación familiar en la frontera debido a “Cero Tolerancia". Únase a nosotros el 17 de junio (Día del Padre) mientras lanzamos #LasFamiliasSonSagradas #FamiliesAreSacred, una campaña de video y fotografía donde invitamos a las familias a: 1) Publicar un video o una foto de su familia en las redes sociales. 2) Expresar cuánto aman a su familia. 3) Expresar cómo el ser separado de ellos los afectaría - a usted y a ellos. 4) Invitar a sus amigos (haciéndoles tag) para que también publiquen una foto o un video. Instrucciones y ejemplos.

Restricción de ViajeNuestra abogada, Evelyn Wiese, explica la restricción de viaje del presidente Trump que fue parcialmente implementada por la Corte Suprema el 29 de junio de 2017. De atención especial a nuestra comunidad inmigrante debe ser la diferencia entre la clasificación de "refugiado" y "solicitante de asilo." Esperamos que este video le sea útil.

Opciones Aparte del TPSCompañeras/Compañeros, mientras seguimos luchando por mantener el TPS, les queremos recordar que todos tenemos derechos en este país y usted tiene otras opciones. Le recomendamos que consulten con su abogado(a) ó visite nuestras oficinas y consulte con nuestros expertos de inmigración. Conozca sus opciones!

Cancelación de RemovidaConozca sus derechos. Nuestra abogada, Monica Oca Howell, explica el proceso de Cancelación de la Removida, los beneficios y riesgos. Si tiene preguntas sobre este proceso, por favor visite las oficinas de CARECEN SF – 3101 Mission Street, Suite 101, San Francisco, de 9am a 12pm para hablar con uno de nuestros expertos legales.