Parque Niños Unidos
Taller ArteSanas: Sembrando Bienestar
Parque Niños Unidos 3090 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, United States¡Venga a conocer más sobre plantas, flores, hierbas y cómo nos ayudan a reducir el estrés, a estar alegres, y mejorar nuestro bienestar en general!
Taller ArteSanas: Sembrando Bienestar
Parque Niños Unidos 3090 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, United States¡Venga a conocer más sobre plantas, flores, hierbas y cómo nos ayudan a reducir el estrés, a estar alegres, y mejorar nuestro bienestar en general!
Desarrollo del Lenguaje Bilingüe
Parque Niños Unidos 3090 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesLa clase de lectura está dirigida a niños y niñas de 0 a 5 años y se ofrece una vez al mes. En cada sesión, nos enfocamos en diferentes temas que apoyan el desarrollo motriz, cognitivo y social, mientras educamos a los padres sobre cómo fomentar ese crecimiento en casa. Este mes, nos enfocaremos en […]
Dance and Movement
Parque Niños Unidos 3090 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesPhysical activity classes for parents and children, that promotes exercise through dance in order to increase physical activity and wellness.
Reading with Children (in person)
Parque Niños Unidos 3090 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesClass for parents and children from 0-5 that encourage reading, playing, singing, and doing art and crafts with children. Registration is required in order to participate in all our workshops. To register, please call 415-872-7465.
Cooking Class
Parque Niños Unidos 3090 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesClass for parents that includes information about healthy eating, cooking tips, a recipe per class, and space to build community to help others to succeed.
Healthy Families
Parque Niños Unidos 3090 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesProvides information of different topics helping families to develop healthy habits. Including art and other activities in order to develop creativity and improve mental health. (Class in Spanish) For more information about classes and how to enroll: Call 415-872-7459 from 9am-5pm
Healthy Families
Parque Niños Unidos 3090 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesProvides information of different topics helping families to develop healthy habits. Including art and other activities in order to develop creativity and improve mental health. (Class in Spanish) For more information about classes and how to enroll: Call 415-872-7459 from 9am-5pm
Dance and Movement
Parque Niños Unidos 3090 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesPhysical activity classes for parents that promotes physical activity in daily life. (Class in Spanish) For more information about classes & how to enroll: Call 415-872-7459 from 9am-5pm
Healthy Families
Parque Niños Unidos 3090 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, United StatesProvides information of different topics helping families to develop healthy habits. (Class in Spanish) For more information about classes and how to enroll: Call 415-872-7459 from 9am-5pm