
International Observer Delegation During Presidential Elections in El Salvador

February 2019

Organized by CARECEN DC, Alianza Americas and CARECEN SF, we took part in an international delegation to observe the presidential elections in El Salvador. Our group attended candidate forums, met with academic experts, social services and violence prevention organizations as well as the media to learn about the political and social context of elections in El Salvador. We were inspired by the people’s will, resilience and commitment to the democracy they fought so hard for. The recent elections mark a new era in the political reality of El Salvador. There are many challenges but a new generation of Salvadorans have taken the stage using new tools and engaging the political and democratic process in their own terms. This moment, as the newly elected president said, “turns the page on the post war era.” We will continue our transnational advocacy so our people can thrive and be able to migrate by choice and not by force.

Lariza Dugan Cuadra, directora ejecutiva de Carecen SF, reporta desde CIFCO, San Salvador tras el cierre de urnas en las presidenciales de #ElSalvador. Carecen San Francisco, CARECEN-Central American Resource Center y Alianza Americas estamos observando este importante proceso electoral.

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