Mental Health Specialist — Family Wellness Program
Stephanie Chiquillo was born and raised in San Francisco’s Mission District. Her experience as a Mission District resident and as a daughter of two Central American parents enables her to serve her community with passion, justice, and empathy. Stephanie Chiquillo holds a B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles in art and her M.A. from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in clinical psychology. She is currently a clinical psychology (PsyD) doctoral candidate at CIIS in hopes of filling the desperate need for bilingual and bicultural clinicians in the Bay Area. Her research interests include attachment/reattachment, parent-child separation due to patterns of migration, complex trauma, intergenerational trauma, community mental health, relational theory and intersubjectivity, critical race theory, feminist theory, and culture and language. She looks forward to deepening her studies and practice in the community mental health field. Stephanie brings great understanding and thoughtfulness to her work with and in her community of origin. Other interests of hers include art, film, food, dancing, hiking, backpacking, and laughing with her loved ones.
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